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Supported Employment 

Advocacy Services Unlimited believes that everyone has the right to explore competitive,  employment as their first option. Advocacy Services Unlimited Supported Employment program offers Career planning, Supported Employment and Prevocational services  to help you meet the challenges of the workplace and achieve your maximum potential.

Our person-centered approach seeks the best match for each person based on their interests, skills, attributeses, and ideal work culture. Employment specialists and job coaches help individuals obtain and maintain competitive, employment through job development, job coaching, and long-term follow-along support services.

Employment Services

Allow Advocacy Services Unlimited to help you explore job opportunities.

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Supported Employment

Our supported employment program offers individual and group. Individual Employment Support assists to identify and maintain a job in competitive or customized employment, or self-employment, in an integrated work setting in the general workforce.

Advocacy Services Unlimited's supported employment group offers a diverse program too assists to identify and maintain a job in competitive or customized employment, or self-employment, in an integrated work setting in the general workforce.

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Advocacy Services Unlimited's prevocational service  offers an individual and group touch to

pre-employment. Are you looking to socialize with peers as you build skills to enter the work force join Advocacy Services Unlimited's prevocational group service.  Advocacy Services Unlimited will assist with locating the work setting. Support can be provided from 1 to 5 days by our Job Support staff. Transportation to the work site is not provided.

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Career Planning

Are you undecided on your career path or looking to explore a change in jobs? Advocacy Services Unlimited has a team of dedicated employment specialist with unique skill that lead to your choosen career path.

Supported Employment
Individual or Group

Advocacy Services Unlimited is a dedicated employment first provider agency. The service may be delivered for an intensive period upon the participant’s initial employment to support the participant who, Supports in the intensive period are delivered in a face-to-face setting, one-on-one. As a individual fazes out of intensive supported employment they will receive ongoing (“follow along”) where supports are delivered either face-to-face or by phone with the participant and/or his or her employer. Services can be individualized or group and may include but are not limited to: training and systematic instruction, job coaching, benefit support, travel training, job club ,computer training and other workplace support services.

Image by Hanna Morris


Experience Prevocational Services 

We provide learning and work experiences, including volunteer work, where the individual can develop general, non-job-task-specific strengths and skills that contribute to employability in paid employment in integrated community settings. Services may include training in effective communication with supervisors, coworkers and customers; generally accepted community workplace conduct and dress; ability to follow directions; ability to attend to tasks; workplace problem solving skills and strategies; and general workplace safety and mobility training. Prevocational Training is intended to be a service that participants receive over a defined period of time and with specific outcomes to be achieved in preparation for securing competitive, integrated employment in the community for which an individual is compensated at or above the minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by individuals without disabilities. Supports are delivered in a face-to-face setting, either one-on-one with the participant or in a group of two to eight participants.

Image by Ian Schneider

Career Planning

Advocacy Services Unlimited career planning has a comprehensive employment planning and support service that provides assistance for program participants to obtain, maintain or advance in competitive employment or self-employment. It is a focused, time-limited service engaging a participant in identifying a career direction and developing a plan for achieving competitive, integrated employment at or above the state’s minimum wage.

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1101 North Kings Highway Ste G102 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034


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